Female Sexual Pain After Cancer

As more patients with cancer are surviving and living longer lives, new challenges emerge that may be difficult to address. For many female survivors, one of these challenges is a disturbance to their sex life. Many physicians and patients are unprepared to discuss these issues, and feel uncomfortable talking about them. This leads to conditions being overlooked and untreated.

A systematic review by two leading gynecologists found that prevalence of sexual pain ranged from 29 to 64%. The most common causes of sexual pain in women after cancer treatment are related to surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and hormonal changes.

Women’s Health PT can help with sexual pain, and allow these women to move forward through their recovery. Our Pelvic Health Therapist is also a member of ISSWSH, and is completing her fellowship in women’s sexual health with this organization.

Here is an excellent article that was published by Cure magazine that details the review. If you are having sexual side effects from cancer treatments, treatment is available! If you are interested in learning how our services can help you, call today to schedule an evaluation. You do not need a physician referral to schedule with our clinic. We look forward to meeting you soon!